Tag: Fletcher Park

Black Snake at Fletcher Park

Black Snake sighted at Fletcher Park climbing a tree near a pathway on 12 July 2013.

Eastern Purple Coneflower

Eastern Purple Coneflower [Echinacea purpurea] found at Fletcher Park on 12 July 2013. It’s the member of the Aster (Asteraceae) family and Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 382-383, states it blooms in summer and fall. USDA Plants Listing: Echinacea purpurea

Buttonweed or Poorjoe

Buttonweed or Poorjoe [Diodia teres] photos were taken at Fletcher Park on 11 July 2013. It’s the member of the Madder (Rubiaceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 158-159, states it blooms in summer and fall and can be found in dry sandy soil. USDA Plants Listing: https://plants.usda.gov/home/plantProfile?symbol=DITE2 (Poorjoe)

Dwarf St. Johnswort

Dwarf St. Johnswort [Hypericum mutilum] found at Fletcher Park on 11 July 2013. It’s the member of the Mangosteen (Clusiaceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 268-269, states it blooms in summer and fall and can be found in wet or moist open soil. USDA Plants Listing: Hypericum mutilum

Sweetclover or White Sweet Clover

Sweetclover or White Sweet Clover[Melilotus officinalis] found at Fletcher Park on 11 July 2013. It’s the member of the Pea or Bean (Fabaceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 60-61, states it blooms in late spring to fall and can be found on roadsides and waste places. It also lists it’s scientific name as Melilotus alba. …

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Deptford Pink

Deptford Pink [Dianthus armeria] photos were taken at Fletcher Park on 11 July 2013. It’s the member of the Pink (Caryophyllaceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 258-259 states it blooms in summer and fall and can be found in fields and on roadsides. These were found just off one of the walking paths. USDA Plants …

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Rough Cinquefoil or Norwegian Cinquefoil

Rough Cinquefoil or Norwegian Cinquefoil [Potentilla norvegica] found at Fletcher Park on 11 July 2013. It’s the member of the Rose (Rosaceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 240-241, states it blooms in late spring to fall and can be found in clearings, on roadsides, and waste places. USDA Plants Listing: Potentilla norvegica

Pale Touch-me-not

Pale Touch-me-not [Impatiens pallida] found at Fletcher Park on 5 July 2013. It’s a member of the Touch-me-not (Balsaminaceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 54-55, states that it blooms in summer and early fall, and can be found in moist places, “mostly in limestone regions.” USDA Plants Listing: Impatiens pallida

Black-Eyed Susan

Wildflowers of the Carolinas lists the Black-Eyed Susan [Rudbeckia hirta] on pages 380-381. It’s the member of the Aster (Asteraceae) family and these photos were taken on Campbell Road, Trout Lake on 26 June 2013 and at Fletcher Park on 30 September 2012. Newcomb’s Wildlower Guide lists the Latin name Rudbeckia serotina, pages 374-375. USDA …

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Purple Deadnettle

These photos of Purple Deadnettle [Lamium purpureum] where taken at Fletcher Park on 16 March 2013. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 86-87, says it’s a member of the mint (Lamiaceae) family that blooms Spring to Fall on roadsides and in waste places. It does have a square stem. USDA Plant Listing:Lamium purpureum Purple Deadnettle – 16 …

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