Basil Balm or White Bergamot

Basil Balm or White Bergamot [Monarda clinopodia] photos were taken at the Pisgah Center for Wildlife Education, Pisgah Forest, NC on 20 July 2013. It’s the member of the Mint (Lamiaceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 92-93, states it blooms in summer and fall and grows woods and thickets. Its distinguishing marks are the dark spots on the petals, as opposed to no spots on the Wild Bergamot.

USDA Plants Listing:

Basil Balm at Pisgah Center for Wildlife Education - 20 July 2013

Basil Balm at Pisgah Center for Wildlife Education – 20 July 2013

Basil Balm (two flowers) - 20 July 2013

Basil Balm (two flowers) – 20 July 2013