Pale Corydalis or Rock Harlequin [Corydalis sempervirens] photos were taken on the North Carolina Bartram Trail, near Whiterock Mountain,on 27 May 2017 and Carl Sandburg Home on 28 May 2017. It’s a member of the Fumitory (Fumariaceae) family. Allan Armitage’s Herbaceous Perennial Plants, (1989) page 156, states that it’s “flowers are pale pink to purple …
Tag: Bartram Trail
May 27 2017
Bowman’s Root or Indian Physic
Bowman’s Root or Indian Physic [Gillenia trifoliata] photos were taken on the North Carolina Bartram Trailon 27 May 2017. It’s a member of the Rose (Rosaceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 232-233, states that it grows in woods in Late Spring and Summer. It is also called “Fawn’s Breath.” USDA Plants Listing: Gillenia trifoliata
May 27 2017
Speckled Wood Lily or White Clintonia
Speckled Wood Lily or White Clintonia [Clintonia umbellulata] photos were taken on the North Carolina Bartram Trailon 27 May 2017. It’s a member of the Lily (Liliaceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 338-339, states that it grows in rich woods in Spring and early Summer. Timothy P. Spira’s Wildflowers & Plant Communities of the Southern …
May 27 2017
Cliff Saxifrage or Michaux’s Saxifrage
Cliff Saxifrage or Michaux’s Saxifrage [Saxifraga michauxii] photos were taken on the North Carolina Bartram Trailon 27 May 2017 and at Carl Sandburg Home on 28 May 2017. It’s a member of the Saxifrage (Saxifragaceae) family. Timothy P. Spira’s Wildflowers & Plant Communities of the Southern Appalachian Mountains & Piedmont, page 403, states that it …
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