Tag: Bearwallow Mountain


Bloodroot [Sanguinaria canadensis] found on Bearwallow Mountain on 3 April 2015 and in Gerton on 26 March 2016, 15 April 2017, and 21 March 2022. It’s a member of the Poppy (Papaveraceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 364-365, states that its juice is orange-red and it blooms in early Spring in rich woods. USDA Plants …

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Cut-leaved Toothwort or Pepperroot

Cut-Leaved Toothwort [Cardamine concatenata] found off a new path at Fletcher Park on 5 April 2014, on Bearwallow Mountain on 23 April 2016, and in Gerton, NC on 14 April 2018. It’s a member of the Mustard (Brassicaceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 162-63, states it blooms in spring in rich woods. Another synonym for …

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July 4th on Bearwallow Mountain

Hiking at Bearwallow Mountain


Jimsonweed [Datura stramonium] found on Bearwallow Mountain on 4 July 2014. It’s a member of the Nightshade (Solanaceae) family. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, pages 214-215, states that it’s “ill-smelling and poisonous.” It blooms in summer and fall. USDA Plants Listing: Datura stramonium

Wild Columbine or Red Columbine

Wild Columbine [Aquilegia canadensis] found on Bearwallow Mountain on 14 June 2013. It’s a member of the Buttercup (Ranunculaceae) family. Wildflowers of the Carolinas pages 200-201, states that it’s “the only native columbine in the Carolinas” and “once considered for our national wildflower because its flower resembles the talons of the Bald Eagle.” USDA Plants …

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