Tag: New Mexico

El Malpais National Monument, New Mexico

El Malpais National Monument, near Grants, New Mexico on 30 May 2021, part of the National Park system of the United States.  Two areas were visited:  La Ventana Arch and the Sandstone Bluffs.  There wasn’t time to go to the volcano flows.

Petroglyph National Monument, New Mexico

Petroglyph National Monument, Albuquerque, New Mexico on 30 May 2021, part of the National Park system of the United States.  Rock carvings made by indigenous peoples and early settlers over 400-700 years ago.

Richardson’s Geranium

Richardson’s Geranium [Geranium richardsonii] seen at in the Lama community, New Mexico on 29 May 2021. It’s a member of the Geranium (Geraniaceae) family. National Wildlife Federation’s Wildflowers of North America page 260, states it is found Spring through Fall in woods and moist mountain meadows. USDA Plants Listing: Geranium richardsonii

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, New Mexico

Along our travels on U.S. Route 64 on 28 May 2021 in New Mexico:  the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge over the Rio Grande river.

Earthship Biotecture, New Mexico

Along our route to Taos, New Mexico, we stopped at Earthship Biotecture on 28 May 2021.