Meadow Fritillary [Boloria bellona] on Butterfly-Weed [Asclepias tuberosa] photos were taken in our backyard in Fletcher, North Carolina on 24 June 2021. The NWF Field Guide to Insects and Spiders of North America, page 286, says “these aptly named butterflies occupy moist meadows associated with woodlands during summer.”
Tag: butterfiles
Apr 30 2016
Golden Banded-Skipper Butterfly
This appears to be a Golden Banded-Skipper Butterfly [Autochton cellus] photographed at the Western North Carolina Nature Center, on the Trillium Trail, on 30 April 2016. The Golden Guide to Butterflies and Moths, pages 74-75, states that it’s “generally uncommon and unusually sluggish.” Butterflies and Moths of North America: Autochton cellus